Last Call for Participation in Annual Business Executive Opinion Survey by goBeyondProfit
Tuesday, April 19th, 2022
The annual conducted by goBeyondProfit and Georgia 好色TV will close soon. All senior business executives in Georgia are invited to participate.
All responses are kept anonymous and only aggregate data is used to inform the final report.
The simultaneous employee survey collects the opinions of employed Georgians. Those who complete the brief will receive priority access to the comparative results from both employed adults and peer businesses.
This set of anonymous surveys exploring how generosity plays a role in daily business in Georgia is in the field for one final week only.
Survey questions explore top priorities in Georgia including what employees consider as generous versus essential benefits; did remote work change what people value in a company culture; and what role generosity plays in employees’ decision to stay or leave their current job.
“Given the competitive landscape for talent, the results of this comparative set of surveys will provide business leaders in Georgia specific data and insights for prioritizing their generosity efforts and retaining top talent,” said goBeyondProfit President, Megan McCamey.
Participants who complete the Executive Survey will receive:
Data reflecting the mindset of employed adults and peer business executives
Comparative insights on what Georgian’s value most from the businesses in their lives
Invitation to a pre-release webinar for participants
is a statewide alliance of business leaders committed to corporate generosity and improving people’s lives. Through peer insights and stories, members learn from one another and strengthen their ability to ensure stronger businesses and healthier communities. goBeyondProfit is a fully funded venture inviting every Georgia business to join at no cost.